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About Us

One-stop Solution For All Your Components Requirment

We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the precision manufacturers in the field of precision components and heavy engineering components. Since our establishment in the year 1994, we have added various machines and equipment to enhance our setup to provide excellent product satisfaction to all our esteemed customers and meet their industrial requirements.
Our Product suits to all industrial Assemblies & Industrial Applications. Due to sound engineering and innovative flair, We can solve manufacturing requirements of the most technically demanding parts. With state of the art machineries, skilled labour, sufficient measuring instruments and Well experienced management, we always serve better quality at best prices.

Our Mission

Perfection in casting, forging, and machining industry with superior customer reliability, quality, service, and engineering expertise. We are committed to continuously invest in technology, automation, and people.

Our Vision

Our vision has always been to excel in our performance and achieve perfection in what we are doing. Flawless production, timely delivery and competitive pricing are the characteristics of our organization."

Our Values

To continuously improve our products and service, we believe that a perfect understanding of the clients need is of crucial importance and also adhere to the concept of corporate social responsibility.

Our Commitments

Our commitment is to understand and exceed the expectations of our valued customers, while delivering high quality product, services, and solutions to their most demanding requirements


Our works together with you in developing your innovation strategy. We strive to produce the very highest quality products by listening to your needs and brainstorming to provide customized application tailored to your product. Swati enterprise continues to be a byword for innovation and imaginations. In partnership with you, we will push the boundaries to achieve the most coherent processes and products.

Material We Use